Consistently increase your net worth

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The recipe to become a millionaire is surprisingly simple: invest £500/m in an index fund and keep that discipline for 30 years. Many middle-class earners can do it….so why do less than 1% of them retire as a millionaire?

Because the more they earn, the more they spend.

The world’s most advanced AI isn’t chatGPT. It’s all the machine learning tracking your social media activity, emails, and online shopping… to turn you into a “good consumer” feeding the capitalism engine.

It’s incredibly hard to fight lifestyle inflation in a society increasingly driven by instant gratification. So what can you do?

The best advice actually comes from Warren Buffet:
“Do not save what is left after spending; instead spend what is left after saving.”

The 1% become rich by doing what the 99% don't: design their life around their goals, think of their money in a forward-looking way to achieve their true ambitions and create a financial system that work for them.

Ever tried Forecasting?

This system is called Forecasting and is used by all successful people. I used to develop forecasting tech for the biggest Wealth Management bank, and the same tech is now available to you with Nova.

Think of Nova as your co-pilot forecasting your finances so you can proactively build the life you want.

The changes you can expect using Nova

As an investor, you’ll quickly grasp the concept of forecasting and start applying them to your personal finances. You’ll start thinking of your money in terms of future cash flows and visualise the future impact of today’s decisions.

In your second month, you’ll realise that there are expenses that don’t add much to your life and cause you to under-invest. A lot of our customers pick a couple of luxuries that bring them true satisfaction, and invest everything else.

Ultimately, you’ll do like Warren Buffet: allocate your future cash flows to your investments, and spend what’s left, guilt-free.

Recommended plan

I recommend you the Forecast Unlimited subscription. You’ll get the visibility you need to plan your investments and optimise your yearly Stocks & Shares ISA contribution.

All our plans come with a 1-month free trial where I personally support all our new customers. So you have literally nothing to lose. I’m doing this because we know that if you do it right, forecasting will make a difference in your life.

Sam Abrika
Sam Abrika
Co-founder & CEO, Nova Money

Managed $1tn liquidity forecasting model at UBS
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